Spruce Public API

About the API

The Spruce Health Public API allows you to connect the Spruce platform to any other tools that are open for integration. You will need some Engineering or Development resources on your team to take advantage of this. Here are some use cases currently supported in the Spruce API:

  1. Automatically create and sync contacts in Spruce with contacts/charts in other systems.
  2. Update patient contact information and vital details in both systems.
  3. Trigger a message (SMS or secure) in Spruce based on an event in your system. (e.g., appointment reminders, follow-up messages, new patient welcome information)
  4. Sync conversation events from Spruce to another platform. (e.g. push Spruce messages into the corresponding patient chart in your EHR)
  5. Create a flow where you can one-click open Spruce from an external system and / or open an external system from Spruce.

You can read all about the API and its functionality on the developer documentation page here. 

How to get access to the API

If you are interested in using the Spruce API, please fill out the form on this page. You must be on the Communicator plan if you are a Spruce customer to use the API. You can also email our sales team at sales@sprucehealth.com if you have questions about how Spruce works with different healthcare practices.

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